Fig. 8.
Long-term effect of 8CPT-cAMP and Sp-8CPT-cAMP on the expression of bTREK-1 current. AZF cells were cultured overnight and then incubated either without (control) or with 8CPT-cAMP (30 μM) or Sp-8CPT-cAMP (30 or 300 μM), as indicated. Whole-cell K+ currents were recorded from AZF cells in response to voltage steps to +20 mV applied from −80 mV at 30-s intervals with or without depolarizing prepulses to −20 mV. Pipettes contained standard solution as described under Materials and Methods. A to C, representative K+ current traces recorded with (right traces) and without (left traces) depolarizing prepulses and corresponding plot of bTREK-1 amplitudes with (○) and without (●) depolarizing pulses. Time indicated on traces corresponds to those plotted on the graph at right. Cells were treated with 30 μM 8CPT-cAMP (A), 30 μM Sp-8CPT-2′-OMe-cAMP (B), or 300 μM Sp-8CPT-cAMP (C) for 48 h before recording. D, summary of experiments as in A to C. Bars represent bTREK-1 current density expressed as mean ± S.E.M. of indicated number of determinations after 48-h exposure to 8CPT-cAMP (30 μM) or Sp-8CPT-2′-OMe-cAMP (30 or 300 μM) as indicated.