Effect of ATX on neurite outgrowth. A, representative images of DiI-loaded
immature cerebrocortical neurons at 24 h after plating (scale bar, 10
μm). Various concentrations of ATX were added to the culture
medium at 3 h after plating. Depicted neurons were visualized by diolistic
loading with DiI. B, quantification of concentration-response effects of ATX
on neurite outgrowth at 24 h after plating. ATX-enhanced neurite outgrowth
displayed a hormetic concentration-response relationship with maximal
enhancement seen at 30 to 100 nM ATX. Quantification of total neurite length
was performed with Image Pro Plus. The experiment was performed twice, and
each point represents the mean value derived from analysis of 25 to 30
neurons. ***, p < 0.001, unpaired
t test.