Table 1.
Means (and Standard Deviations) for the Demographic and Neuropsychological data
Test | Young (n = 23) | Older (n = 16) |
Age** | 23.39 (2.31) | 71.44 (6.84) |
Education (years) | 16.65 (1.87) | 14.94 (4.17) |
mMMSE* | 55.56 (1.20) | 54.06 (2.46) |
SRT Total Recall** | 58.13 (7.59) | 46.50 (7.82) |
SRT Delayed Recall** | 10.39 (1.37) | 7.00 (3.18) |
SRT Delayed Recog* | 11.91 (.42) | 11.44 (.73) |
Vocabulary raw score | 57.26 (5.81) | 59.06 (7.62) |
Vocabulary age-scaled | 12.73 (1.81) | 13.69 (2.47) |
Digit Symbol raw score** | 71.47 (12.69) | 45.63 (8.78) |
Digit Symbol age-scaled | 12.78 (3.01) | 12.50 (2.34) |
NART | 120.29 (3.67) | 120.76 (7.02) |
Note. Mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) are reported. Some of the information in this table regarding the older adults was previously reported in Scarmeas et al. (2004).
p < .05.
p < .01