A) Representative immunohistochemistry of tumors derived from 0308 and 0308-BMPR1B cells at 40 days (a–c and f–h) and 60-days (d and e, i and j). Note that GFAP antibody recognizes both human and mouse GFAP proteins. Inset in (e) demonstrates immnuostaining of Sox2 (green) and GFAP (red). DAPI staining (blue) was used to reveal anatomic locations in brains. White bars represent 100 micron.
B) Quantitation of Sox2 positive cells in tumors derived from 0308 and 0308-BMPR1B cells. SVZ and CTX indicate subventricular zones and cortex, respectively. Error bars represent SD.
C) FACS analysis of GFAP expression in 0308 and 0308-BMPR1B-derived tumor cells.
D) Survival of animals injected with 0308 (n = 8) and 0308-BMPR1B cells (n = 7) (log-rank test: P < 0.001).