Trial-by-trial object choices on critical test sessions after selective satiation. A, Curves show mean proportion of adaptive choices of controls (CON) and monkeys with unilateral A + PFo lesions on test 1. Note that at the time of test 1 the experimental groups are destined to receive crossed-disconnection surgery but have not yet received it. B, Mean proportion of adaptive choices of monkeys with surgical disconnection of A + PFo from MDm, (A + PFo) × MDm, or disconnection of A + PFo from NA, (A+PFo) × NA, and controls on test 2. The higher the score, the more adaptive the response to changes in reinforcer value. Group (A + PFo) × MDm significantly different from CON; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. Group (A + PFo) × MDm significantly different from (A + PFo) × NA; +p ≤ 0.06; ++p < 0.01.