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. 2010 Apr;65(Suppl 2):ii25–ii33. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkq013

Table 2.

Results of rechallenge of ferrets with a lethal dose of homologous H5N1 after earlier oseltamivir treatment; all three rechallenged ferrets survived with no clinical signs of disease; reproduced from Govorkova et al.37 with permission

Range of pre-challenge HI titres (3 weeks after initial inoculation, expressed as reciprocal values)
Virus Oseltamivir regimen used to treat initial infection Rechallenge virus dose (EID50/ferret) A/Vietnam/1203/04 A/HK/213/03 A/Turkey/15/06
A/Vietnam/1203/04 25 mg/kg/day (24 h delay) 102 20–40 80–160 not tested
A/Turkey/15/06 10 mg/kg/day (24 h delay) 107 20–40 320–640 160–320

EID50, 50% egg infectious dose; HI, haemagglutinin inhibition.