Fig. 3.
Reorientation of CTL lytic machinery in the absence of CD2 enrichment at the cell–cell contact site. T cells were pretreated with LTR before conjugation with target cells unpulsed (a–c) or pulsed with either 10 μM(d–f) or1nM(g–l) pp65. After 10 min at 37°C cells were stained with either anti-CD2 mAbs (green) and antiperforin mAbs (blue) (a–i) or antitubulin mAbs (green) and anti-perforin mAbs (blue) (j–l). a, d, g, and j are three-color images. In b, e, h, and k the green color has been removed. In c, f, i, and l the blue color has been removed. Data are from one representative experiment of three. (Bar = 5 μM.)