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. 2009 Sep 17;20(4):818–828. doi: 10.1007/s00330-009-1608-y

Table 2.

Definitions of composite predictors of chest injuries on CT

Composite predictor Definition: predictors were positive if any of the following conditions were fulfilled References
≥55 years –Age 55 years or older [28]
Dangerous mechanism of injury Motor vehicle collision and any of the following: [20, 21, 2932]
–No use of constraints
–Ejection from the vehicle
–Death occupant
PEb chest –Breathing frequency <10/min or >29/min (pre-hospital or on presentation at the EDa) [2023, 3340]
–Pulse oximetry SaO2 <95% at presentation at the ED
–Decreased breathing sounds at auscultation
–Subcutaneous emphysema at palpation
–Tenderness to palpation of the chest wall
–Lacerations or haematoma of the chest wall
PE circulatory problems –Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg (pre-hospital or at presentation at the ED) [2022, 28, 41]
–Heart rate >120 beats per minute (pre-hospital or at presentation at the ED)
PE altered sensorium –Glasgow coma scale <14 on initial presentation at the ED [14, 22, 24, 40, 42]
–Orotracheal intubation before clinical evaluation at the ED
–Clinical suspicion of drugs or alcohol intoxication
PE supraclavicular injury –Any fracture, laceration or haematoma above the clavicle, including the face [20, 21]
PE thoracic spine –Tenderness to palpation of the midline of the thoracic spine [14, 32, 42]
–Thoracolumbar lacerations or haematoma
–Neurological deficit suggesting spinal cord injury
PE abdomen –Tenderness to palpation
–Lacerations or haematoma
–Abdominal distension or guarding
PE extremity fracture –Clinical suspicion of fractures of the upper or lower extremities, if CR of the extremities were obtained [2022, 43, 44]
CRc chest Any of the following abnormalities identified on CR of the chest [2, 20, 21, 38, 41, 43, 45, 46]
–Pulmonary contusion
–Subcutaneous emphysema
–Abnormal mediastinum suggesting aortic injury
–Spinal fracture
–Diaphragmatic rupture
–Rib fractures
–Scapular fracture
–Clavicular fracture
CR thoracic spine Any of the following abnormalities on CR of the thoracic spine: [47]
–Any fracture of the vertebral body or spinous or transverse processes
–Spinal malalignment
CR lumbar spine Any of the following abnormalities on CR of the lumbar spine: [20, 47]
–Any fracture of the vertebral body or spinous or transverse processes
–Spinal malalignment
CR pelvis and abdominal ultrasonography Any of the following pelvic fractures on CR: [20, 21, 37]
–Pubic bone fracture
–Fracture acetabulum
–Fracture illiac wing
–Luxation sacro-iliac joint
–Fracture sacrum
–Femoral head fracture
–Luxation hip
Abnormal abdominal ultrasound:
–Presence of free fluid
BE <−3 –Arterial blood gas base excess less than −3 mmol/l in initial blood gas samples
Hb <6 –Blood plasma haemoglobin concentration less than 6 mmol/l

Note: a ED, emergency department; b PE, physical examination; c CR, conventional radiography