A, Interaction of viral strain passage and complement. C+ = with complement; C− = without complement; TC = tissue culture; GMT = geometric mean titer. B, Interaction of cell line and complement. TC = tissue culture; GMT = geometric mean titer. C, Interaction of cell type and viral strain passage. TC = tissue culture; GMT = geometric mean titer. A–C, display geometric mean neutralizing antibody titers (GMT) to DENV 1–4 for all two-way combinations of reference virus, cell type, and the presence or absence of complement. The GMTs for the interactions here are calculated from multivariate mixed-effects models like those presented in Table 3A–D, but with the inclusion of the two-way interaction term of interest (for example, cell line and complement). For convenience, the reference levels for variables other than the conditions being measured were used to estimate the expected antibody titer. As noted in Table 3A–D, referent levels include primary infection, the absence of complement, the use of Vero cells, and prototype virus. P values represent the overall significance of the interaction term in the model for that serotype, controlling for all other variables. Starred P values indicate those that were significant at a α-level of 0.05.