VLDLR mediates Reelin endocytosis much more efficiently than ApoER2. A, 3T3 cells expressing ApoER2 or VLDLR or mock-transfected 3T3 cells were incubated with RCM at 4 °C to allow binding of Reelin to the respective receptors. Cells were then shifted to 37 °C for the indicated time periods to allow internalization and degradation of the ligand. Extracts were prepared and analyzed for cell-associated Reelin by Western blotting using Ab G10 in combination with an HRP-coupled goat anti-mouse antibody. B, Western blots of A and two identical independent experiments were quantified by densitometry, and IOD values of the bands were normalized to the density of the band corresponding to the first time point. Error bars, S.E. (n = 3).