HMGB1 leads to rearrangements in the cytoskeleton in enterocytes. A, confocal micrographs showing GFP expression in IEC-6 cells after GFP-actin transfection and treatment with HMGB1 as indicated. Size bar = 10 μm; quantification of stress fiber density by Metamorph in B. *, p < 0.05, †, p < 0.005 versus control (Ctrl) by analysis of variance. C–F, SDS-PAGE showing expression of active and total RhoA (C) or p-FAK and total FAK (t-FAK) (E) in IEC-6 cells lysates treated with HMGB1 as indicated. Quantification is shown in D and F; error bars indicate S.E. G, confocal micrographs showing expression of p-FAK (green) and actin (red), as well as merged images, after treatment with HMGB1 or PBS as indicated. Arrows show focal adhesions, bar = 10 μm.