Figure 5.
Right hemisphere population-average maps for the term infant and adult populations. Rows 1 and 2 show lateral views for a population of 12 term infants and 12 adults, respectively. Rows 3 and 4 show corresponding medial views for term infants and adults, respectively. All maps were generated after surface-based scale normalization. A, Average fiducial and average sulcal depth maps. The average fiducial surface was created by calculating the average spatial coordinate from all 12 individuals after surface-based scale normalization. The average sulcal depth maps were created by calculating the average sulcal depth across individuals for each node. Note scale differences for each age group. B, Maps of sulcal depth and 3D positional variability. Sulcal depth variability maps display the SD in sulcal depth for all individuals. 3D positional variability maps display the SD in 3D fiducial coordinate position for all individuals. Note scale differences for each age group. Average sulcal depth variability and 3D positional variability maps for the term infants and adults are displayed on the PALS-term12 and PALS-B12 standard-mesh average inflated surfaces, respectively.