Structural Approaches to Health Promotion for Communicable Disease, Noncommunicable Disease, and Injury Prevention
Approaches to Prevention | Communicable Disease | Noncommunicable Disease | Injuries |
Counseling and educational interventions | Behavioral counseling to reduce sexually transmitted infections | Dietary counseling Counseling to increase levels of physical activity Public education about avoiding lifestyle-mediated disease |
Counseling and public education to avoid drinking and driving and encourage compliance with traffic laws School-based programs to prevent or reduce violent behavior |
Clinical interventions | HIV treatment to decrease viral load and reduce transmission Treatment of tuberculosis, resulting in decreased spread of infection |
Treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia Aspirin therapy for people with coronary heart disease |
Methadone and buprenorphine treatment to decrease opiate overdose Screening and treatment of women older than 65 years for osteoporosis to reduce fractures |
Long-lasting protective interventions | Immunizations Male circumcision in countries with high HIV prevalence and significant female-to-male transmission Mass antibiotics to prevent or treat tropical diseases (e.g., onchocerciasis) |
Colonoscopy Treatment of tobacco addiction Surgical sterilization, intrauterine device insertion, or other long-acting contraception to reduce maternal mortality Dental sealants |
Brief behavioral counseling to reduce alcohol consumption Home modification, such as installation of grab bars and handrails, to prevent falls among the elderly |
Changing the context | Clean water Reduced indoor smoke pollution from biomass cooking Ubiquitous condom availability |
Trans fat elimination in processed food to reduce cardiovascular disease Sodium reduction in packaged foods and food served in restaurants to reduce cardiovascular disease Fluoridation of water to prevent dental cavities Elimination of lead paint and asbestos exposures Increased unit price for tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverages Smoke-free workplaces Community and transit design to promote greater physical activity |
Road and vehicle design requirements to reduce crashes and protect pedestrians and bicyclists Laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors and increased alcohol price Laws prohibiting driving at even low blood alcohol levels Effectively implementing laws to mandate helmet use by motorcyclists and motorcycle passengers Occupational safety requirements |
Socioeconomic factors | Reduced poverty to improve immunity, decreased crowding and environmental exposure to communicable microbes, and improved nutrition, sanitation, and housing | Reduced poverty, increased education levels, and more nutritional options to reduce cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and diabetes | Reduced poverty levels to reduce drug use and violence, improved housing options, and lowered vulnerability to extreme weather conditions |