Descriptive Statistics of Black and Hispanic Mothers and Their Infants Born in 2000: US Linked Birth and Infant Death Data Set, 2000
Black, No. (%) | Hispanic, No. (%) | |
Mortality | ||
Surviving | 574 078 (98.78) | 759 442 (99.51) |
Died | 7073 (1.22) | 3759 (0.49) |
Birthweight, g | ||
≥ 2500 | 515 056 (88.71) | 722 148 (94.67) |
< 2500 | 65 556 (11.29) | 40 678 (5.33) |
Gestational age | ||
Term birth | 446 193 (84.42) | 624 512 (89.83) |
Preterm birth | 82 321 (15.58) | 70 725 (10.17) |
Smoking status | ||
Nonsmoker | 494 008 (91.81) | 493 940 (97.12) |
Smoker | 44 044 (8.19) | 14 627 (2.88) |
Parity | ||
1 birth | 220 620 (38.09) | 285 348 (37.59) |
2 births | 171 655 (29.64) | 231 326 (30.47) |
3 births | 102 106 (17.63) | 141 863 (18.69) |
4 births | 46 553 (8.04) | 60 755 (8.00) |
≥ 5 births | 38 227 (6.60) | 39 885 (5.25) |
Maternal age, y | ||
< 15 | 3674 (0.63) | 2479 (0.32) |
15–19 | 113 132 (19.47) | 122 280 (16.02) |
20–24 | 190 038 (32.70) | 232 515 (30.47) |
25–29 | 131 655 (22.66) | 204 255 (26.77) |
30–34 | 87 092 (14.99) | 131 245 (17.20) |
35–39 | 45 144 (7.77) | 57 879 (7.58) |
40–54 | 10 333 (1.78) | 12 445 (1.63) |
Maternal education, y | ||
0–8 | 13 743 (2.40) | 161 846 (21.67) |
9–11 | 131 901 (23.08) | 207 902 (27.84) |
12 | 227 898 (39.88) | 222 386 (29.78) |
13–15 | 131 674 (23.04) | 99 202 (13.28) |
≥ 16 | 66 261 (11.59) | 55 525 (7.43) |
Marital status | ||
Married | 180 461 (31.06) | 440 331 (57.72) |
Unmarried | 400 523 (68.94) | 322 602 (42.28) |
Maternal nativity | ||
United States | 517 678 (89.52) | 289 767 (38.06) |
Outside United States | 60 621 (10.48) | 471 653 (61.94) |
Same-ethnic density | ||
0–0.99% | 2594 (0.45) | 12 407 (1.63) |
1–4.99% | 25 928 (4.46) | 118 567 (15.54) |
5–14.99% | 147 376 (25.36) | 365 678 (47.91) |
15–49.99% | 344 618 (59.30) | 221 268 (28.99) |
≥ 50% | 60 635 (10.43) | 45 281 (5.93) |
Median income, $10 000s, mean (SD) | 4.09 (0.97) | 4.33 (1.03) |