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. 2010 Apr;100(4):707–713. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.167114


Descriptive Statistics of Black and Hispanic Mothers and Their Infants Born in 2000: US Linked Birth and Infant Death Data Set, 2000

Black, No. (%) Hispanic, No. (%)
    Surviving 574 078 (98.78) 759 442 (99.51)
    Died 7073 (1.22) 3759 (0.49)
Birthweight, g
    ≥ 2500 515 056 (88.71) 722 148 (94.67)
    < 2500 65 556 (11.29) 40 678 (5.33)
Gestational age
    Term birth 446 193 (84.42) 624 512 (89.83)
    Preterm birth 82 321 (15.58) 70 725 (10.17)
Smoking status
    Nonsmoker 494 008 (91.81) 493 940 (97.12)
    Smoker 44 044 (8.19) 14 627 (2.88)
    1 birth 220 620 (38.09) 285 348 (37.59)
    2 births 171 655 (29.64) 231 326 (30.47)
    3 births 102 106 (17.63) 141 863 (18.69)
    4 births 46 553 (8.04) 60 755 (8.00)
    ≥ 5 births 38 227 (6.60) 39 885 (5.25)
Maternal age, y
    < 15 3674 (0.63) 2479 (0.32)
    15–19 113 132 (19.47) 122 280 (16.02)
    20–24 190 038 (32.70) 232 515 (30.47)
    25–29 131 655 (22.66) 204 255 (26.77)
    30–34 87 092 (14.99) 131 245 (17.20)
    35–39 45 144 (7.77) 57 879 (7.58)
    40–54 10 333 (1.78) 12 445 (1.63)
Maternal education, y
    0–8 13 743 (2.40) 161 846 (21.67)
    9–11 131 901 (23.08) 207 902 (27.84)
    12 227 898 (39.88) 222 386 (29.78)
    13–15 131 674 (23.04) 99 202 (13.28)
    ≥ 16 66 261 (11.59) 55 525 (7.43)
Marital status
    Married 180 461 (31.06) 440 331 (57.72)
    Unmarried 400 523 (68.94) 322 602 (42.28)
Maternal nativity
    United States 517 678 (89.52) 289 767 (38.06)
    Outside United States 60 621 (10.48) 471 653 (61.94)
Same-ethnic density
    0–0.99% 2594 (0.45) 12 407 (1.63)
    1–4.99% 25 928 (4.46) 118 567 (15.54)
    5–14.99% 147 376 (25.36) 365 678 (47.91)
    15–49.99% 344 618 (59.30) 221 268 (28.99)
    ≥ 50% 60 635 (10.43) 45 281 (5.93)
Median income, $10 000s, mean (SD) 4.09 (0.97) 4.33 (1.03)