Fig. 2.
CV-SMD unfolding trajectory of Af152111–177 at v = 0.1 Å ps-1. (Inset) Force-extension profile of macro domain (purple) and I27 (orange). (A) Starting structure, x11–177 = 28 Å; (B) snapshot of primary unfolding barrier involving strands 2 and 7, x11—177 = 35 Å, F ≈ 2,600 pN; (C) macro domain unraveling without resistance until reaching the intermediate structure; (D) snapshot of secondary barrier involving strands 3 and 5 and the disulfide, x11–177 = 213 Å, F ≈ 2,300 pN; and (E) the macro domain unravels to full extension (x11–177 = 480 Å).