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. 2009 Aug 14;20(4):953–965. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhp157

Table 2.

Peak correlation coordinates: 6 cortical regions

Anatomical label x y z Z-score
Visual area MT correlations
    V/VI L −18 −72 −18 3.92
R 16 −68 −16 3.81
    VIII L −14 −74 −52 2.81
Superior temporal/auditory correlations
    V/VI L −20 −64 −16 2.80
R 18 −60 −16 2.11
Somatosensory correlations
    V/VI L −20 −58 −18 3.40
R 20 −64 −18 2.52
    VIII L −22 −52 −60 2.49
R 24 −62 −58 1.97
Motor/premotor correlations
    V/VI L −20 −52 −20 3.36
R 34 −48 −26 2.48
    VIII L −22 −54 −60 2.13
R 30 −58 −62 2.64
Posterior-parietal correlations
    VIIa (paravermal) L −10 −88 −34 3.09
R 14 −86 −42 2.60
    Crus II L −44 −68 −52 3.64
R 42 −70 −50 2.40
Prefrontal correlations
    VIIa (paravermal) L −8 −86 −44 3.24
R 12 −88 −42 2.75
    Crus I L −32 −64 −32 2.48
R 28 −70 −30 3.32
    Crus II L −42 −74 −48 3.74
R 38 −72 −50 3.95

Note: This table gives MNI coordinates for the voxel with the peak Z-score in each cluster for the correlation maps corresponding to 6 cortical regions, that is, the results of Analysis 3. Z-scores were calculated using a between-subjects fixed-effects GLM on all 12 subjects’ individual correlation maps, in standard (MNI) space.