Figure 9.
The pulvinar nucleus and temporal cortex are reciprocally connected. (A) The confocal image of the temporal cortex illustrates the overlapping distributions of pulvinocortical terminals (purple, in layer IV) and corticopulvinar cells (green, in layer VI) labeled by a dual injection of biotinylated dextran amine and fluorogold in the tectorecipient pulvinar nucleus (PUL, yellow; injection site is depicted in orange in panel (C), also illustrated in Figure 1E, left pulvinar). (B) The confocal image of the pulvinar nucleus illustrates the overlapping distributions of pulvinocortical cells (green) and corticopulvinar terminals (purple) labeled by a dual injection of biotinylated dextran amine and CTB in the temporal cortex (injection site depicted in orange in panel F). Three-dimensional reconstructions of the case illustrated in panel (A) show the overlapping distributions of corticopulvinar cells (D, green) and pulvinocortical terminals (E, purple) which formed a band within T1 and T2. Tectopulvinar cells labeled from the same pulvinar injections site are distributed in a band that is restricted in the medio-lateral dimension (C, green). Three-dimensional reconstructions of the case illustrated in panel (B) show the distributions of pulvinocortical cells (G, green) and corticopulvinar terminals (H, purple) which overlapped within a restricted region of the pulvinar nucleus. C, caudal, D, dorsal, R, rostral, V, ventral, V1/V1, primary and secondary visual cortex. Scale bars in (A) and (B) = 10 μm. Scale in (G) = 1 mm and applies to (C) and (H). Scale in (F) = 1 mm and applies to (D) and (E).