Figure 4.
Cell proliferation, RMCP II production, and histamine synthesis in rat bone marrow cells treated with rrIL-3 and rmSCF. Rat BM cells were incubated under specified culture condition. Cells numbers were counted using a hemocytometer (A~C). RMCP II expression was analyzed with 200 ng/ml cell lysate of cultured rat bome marrow cells (D~F). Histamine levels were analyzed using a Histamine EIA kit (G~I). Culture conditions were controlled in in terms of serum (FBS vs. HS), media (IMDM vs. RPMI) or percoll concentration (50% vs. 70%). Open/white symbol or bar, FBS; and closed/gray symbol or bar, HS. In the line graph: circle, cells separated by 50% percoll; and triangle, cells by 70% percoll. Solid line, IMDM; and dash-dot line, RPMI-1640. : 50 IM FBS,
: 50 IM HS,
: 50 RP HS,
: 50 RP HS,
: 70 IM FBS,
: 70 IM HS,
: 70 RP FBS,
: 70 RP HS. In the bar graph, bar with horizontal line, 50% percoll and IMDM; bar with oblique line, 50% percoll and RPMI-1640; bar with vertical line, 70% percoll and IMDM; bar with net cross, 70% percoll and RPMI-1640.
: 50 IM FBS,
: 50 IM HS,
: 50 RP FBS,
: 50 RP HS,
: 70 IM FBS,
: 70 IM HS,
: 70 RP FBS,
: 70 RP HS. IM for IMDM, RP for RPMI-1640, NA for not applied, ND for not determined. Y axis for both H and I in log scale.