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. 2010 Mar;56(3):229–238.

Table 1.

Case series of FOBT results with diet manipulation

Broderick and Harris,14 1982 NC NC Hemoccult Challenge diet: 2 raw turnips daily for 9 d NC NC 0 positive results No reaction to boiled turnip directly applied to FOBT strip
Macrae et al,15 1982 156 Healthy volunteers, mean age 22.1 y Hemoccult II 250 g rare beef daily for 6 d, 6 servings high-peroxidase fruit and vegetables daily for 6 d, both combined, exclusion diet Nonrehydrated and rehydrated Within 5 d 1.9% of nonrehydrated samples produced positive results with full challenge (NS) 16.7% of rehydrated samples produced positive results with full challenge diet
Rose et al,16 1989 49 Healthy volunteers, 16–30 y Hemoccult II, Hemoccult SENSA 6 d each of exclusion diet, 250 g rare beef daily, and 3 cups high-peroxidase fruit and vegetables daily Nonrehydrated Within 72 h Hemoccult II: 4% positive with meat challenge (NS); Hemoccult SENSA: 8% positive with meat challenge (NS) 1 positive result on exclusion diet for both tests; 0 positive for vegetable challenge
Thomas et al,17 1989 18925 Participants in the Nottingham trial, 50–74 y Hemoccult Unrestricted diet followed by low-peroxidase* dietary restriction if participant had a positive test result Nonrehydrated NC 3.4% positive results for unrestricted diet, of which 77.0% were false positive for CRC and adenoma Only 463/18 925 subjects (2.4%) were shown to have false-positive results on an unrestricted diet
Feinberg et al,18 1990 46 Healthy medical students Hemoccult II, Hemoccult SENSA Challenge diet: 350–450 g cooked red meat daily for 3 d, then abstain from red meat for 7 d during testing Nonrehydrated NC Hemoccult II positive results: 15.4% (day 1), 5.5% (day 3), 0% (day 4–7); Hemoccult SENSA positive results: 46.2% (day 1), 8.3% (day 3), 0% (day 4–7) Percentages represent tests rather than subjects, which were not reported
Robinson et al,19 1993 2 series (347 and 574) Consecutive participants in the Nottingham trial, 50–74 y, with ≥ 1 positive test result Hemoccult Low-peroxidase* dietary restriction over 6-d testing period Nonrehydrated NC If results of ≥ 5 of 6 tests were positive, 88.1% (series 1) remained positive with dietary restriction In the second series, all subjects with ≥ 5 positive results proceeded directly to colonoscopy
Robinson et al,20 1995 35260 Participants in the Nottingham trial, 50–74 y Hemoccult Unrestricted diet followed by low-peroxidase* dietary restriction if participant had a positive test result Nonrehydrated NC 3.4% positive results for unrestricted diet, of which 88.4% were false positive for CRC Only 1061/35 260 subjects (3.0%) were shown to have false-positive results on an unrestricted diet
Rozen et al,21 1995 527 CRC screening and follow-up service attendees, 95% asymptomatic (27% were following up adenomas or cured CRC), mean age 59 (SD 12) y Hemoccult SENSA Low-peroxidase* dietary restriction for 2 d, increased to 3 d for the last 100 subjects Nonrehydrated Within 1 d of final application, increased to 72 h after final application for last 100 subjects Positive results in 17% in first group; 7% in last 100 subjects (P = .02) Most patients evaluated with sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to determine false-positive rate of 15%, but results combined for all 527 subjects
Sinatra et al,22 1999 61 Healthy volunteers, 18–30 y Hemoccult, Hemoccult SENSA Challenge diet: 750 g high-peroxidase fruit and vegetables daily for 3 d Nonrehydrated 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours Hemoccult: 1.6% positive at 24 h; Hemoccult SENSA: 1.6% positive at 24 h 0 positive when development delayed 48 or 72 h
Fludger et al,23 2002 10 Healthy volunteers <35 y Hemoccult Challenge diet: one 7-oz black (blood) pudding NC NC 40% of results were positive Local delicacy in Bury, England

CRC—colorectal cancer, FOBT—fecal occult blood test, NC—not clarified in publication, NS—no statistically significant difference between groups, SD—standard deviation.


Low-peroxidase diet involved eating no red meats and no high-peroxidase fruits or vegetables (horseradish, turnip, melon, etc).