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. 1997 Dec 9;94(25):13754–13759. doi: 10.1073/pnas.94.25.13754

Table 1.

Classification of therian mammals

Subclass Theria
 Infraclass Metatheria (marsupials)
  Order Dasyuromorphia (Phascogale = phascogale)
  Order Didelphimorphia (Didelphis = opossum)
  Order Diprotodontia (Pseudochirops = ringtail possum; Vombatus = wombat)
  Order Microbiotheria (Dromiciops = monito del monte)
  Order Notoryctemorphia (Notoryctes = marsupial mole)
  Order Paucituberculata (Caenolestes = shrew opossum)
  Order Peramelina (Echymipera = bandicoot)
 Infraclass Eutheria (placentals)
  Order Artiodactyla (Bos = cow; Sus = pig)
  Order Carnivora (Felis = cat)
  Order Cetacea (Balaenoptera = whale; Steno = rough-toothed dolphin)
  Order Chiroptera (Cynopterus = dog-faced bat; Megaderma = false vampire bat; Pteropus = flying fox; Tonatia = round-eared bat)
  Order Dermoptera (Cynocephalus = flying lemur)
  Order Hyracoidea (Procavia = hyrax)
  Order Insectivora (Erinaceus = hedgehogs; Sorex = shrew)
  Order Lagomorpha (Oryctolagus = rabbit)
  Order Macroscelidea (Elephantulus = elephant shrew)
  Order Perissodactyla (Equus = horse)
  Order Pholidota (Manis = pangolin)
  Order Primates (Galago = galago; Homo = human; Tarsius = tarsier)
  Order Proboscidea (Loxodonta = elephant)
  Order Rodentia (Mus = mouse; Spalax = blind mole rat)
  Order Scandentia (Tupaia = tree-shrew)
  Order Sirenia (Dugong = dugong; Trichechus = manatee)
  Order Tubulidentata (Orycteropus = aardvark)
  Order Xenarthra (Bradypus = sloth)

Genera included in this study are given in parentheses. The classification for marsupials follows Marshall et al. (2). The classification for placentals follows Novacek (68).