Western blotting profiles of sera from cow YG3903 (A), cow IZ6 (B), and cow HD21 (C) harboring PDD lesions reacted with bacterial whole-cell lysates of Treponema phagedenis-like organisms isolated from different cattle. Lanes and isolates are as follow: M, prestained molecular mass markers shown in kilodaltons; 1, T. phagedenis type strain ATCC 27087; 2, HT201; 3, YG3903R; 4, YG5618; 5, HG42; 6, IZ6-2; 7, IZ7-2; 8, CH6; 9, CH9; 10, HD21-66; 11, HD21-R7; 12, HD22-63; 13, HD22-R16; 14, HD26-43; 15, HD26-67; 16, HD26-R4; 17, HD27-4; 18, HD27-24; 19, HD27-R6.