FIG. 7.
dnaK mRNA expression in Stm(pNir) (nir) and Stm(pΔ12) (Δ12). (A) dnaK was expressed at 30°C in Stm(pΔ12) but was scarcely detectable in the control strain Stm(pNir). dnaK expression increased in Stm(pΔ12) when the strain was heat shocked for 15 min at 37° or 39°C. dnaK expression decreased in Stm(pΔ12) when it was heat shocked at 43°C. (B and C) When Stm(pΔ12) was grown at the non-heat shock temperature of 37°C, dnaK was highly expressed. When cells were heat shocked between 41° and 47°C, dnaK expression was not detectable.