Telomere length in representative cases of BMT donor–recipient pairs. (A) Representative cases of BMT donor–recipient pairs. Southern blot analysis of granulocyte DNA digested with BamHI, resolved by field-inversion gel electrophoresis, and hybridized to the TelBam8 probe. Each pair is indicated by a capital letter (see Table 1); in each pair, d is the donor and r is the recipient. (B) Uniform migration of nontelomeric unique sequence fragments. The filter shown in A (Left) was rehybridized with a PIG-A cDNA probe, yielding the two expected bands of 20.6 Kb and 12 Kb, respectively. (C) Densitometric tracings of the two lanes of a representative case (pair J). The difference in telomere size, ΔTEL, is measured directly as the distance between the modal values of the peaks from donor (d) and recipient (r), respectively.