Table 1.
Intrarenal distribution, targets, and effectors of the CaSR
Region | Cellular Target | Biological Effects |
PCT/PST | ↓PTH1R | ↓Pi transport |
↑1-Hydroxylase activity | ↑1,25(OH)2D3 synthesis | |
↑p38 MAPK | ↑VDR expression | |
MTAL | ↑H+-K+-ATPase | ↑Urine acidification |
↓Calcitonin- and AVP-induced cAMP production | ↓NaCl/Ca2+/Mg2+ transport | |
CTAL | ↓CLDN-16 | ↓Ca2+/Mg2+ transport |
↓NKCC2 | ↓NaCl/Ca2+/Mg2+ transport | |
↓ROMK | ↓NaCl/Ca2+/Mg2+ transport port | |
↓PTH-induced second messenger production | ↓Transcellular Ca2+ transport | |
DCT/CNT | ↑TRPV5 | ↑Ca2+ reabsorption |
CCD/OMCD | ↑H+-ATPase | ↑Urine acidification |
OMCD/IMCD | ↓AVP-dependent AQP2 apical insertion | ↓Urine concentration |
JG cells | ↓AC-V, renin gene expression | ↓Renin secretion |
CaSR, calcium-sensing receptor; PCT/PST, proximal convoluted/straight tubule; MTAL, medullary thick ascending limb (TAL); CTAL, cortical TAL; DCT/CNT, distal convoluted tubule/connecting segment; CCD, cortical collecting duct; OMCD/IMCD, outer/inner medullary collecting duct; JG, juxtaglomerular; PTH, parathyroid hormone; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; NKCC2, Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter 2; ROMK, renal outer medullary potassium K+ channel; TRPV5, transient receptor potential vanilloid 5; AQP2, aquaporin 2; AC-V, type V adenylate cyclase; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.