Figure 5.
Cytokine gene expression was lower in NOS-KO mice after CFA compared to WT mice. In control mice, there was no significant difference in baseline gene expression of TNF between KO and WT (A); IL-1β in nNOS- and iNOS-KO, but not in eNOS-KO, was significantly higher than in WT (B;##P < 0.01); IL-10 in KO was significantly lower than in WT (C; **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001). After CFA, the nNOS-, iNOS- and eNOS-KO mice displayed lower TNF, IL-1β and IL-10 gene expression (A, B and C respectively; ***P < 0.001; nNOS-, iNOS- or eNOS-KO CFA vs WT CFA), except that eNOS-KO mice had a higher TNF when compared to WT mice (A;###P < 0.001) and there was no difference in IL-10 between iNOS-KO and WT mice (C), at 24 h. All measured samples were related to WT control. At each time point n = 4.