Table 4.
HIV/AIDS coordination structures in seven case study countries
Country | First national coordination structure with a remit for HIV/AIDS* | Year CCM was established | Current national coordination structures with a remit for HIV/AIDS* | Other national- level coordination structures with a remit for HIV/AIDS | Subnational coordination structures with a remit for HIV/AIDS |
China | State Council Coordinating Mechanism for STIs and AIDS (1996) | 2002 | State Council AIDS Working Committee Office (SCAWCO) (2004) | -Most ministries have established HIV/AIDS coordination committees -The National Centre for AIDS/STD Prevention ontrol (NCAIDS), created in 1998 & integrated with Chinese CDC |
-AIDS Working Committees -AIDS Prevention & Control Lead Groups |
Georgia | Governmental Commission on HIV/AIDS/STI & other Socially Dangerous Diseases (1996) | 2003 | Country Coordination Mechanism (2003) | -National Centre for Diseases Control & Public Health -Prevention Task Force (PTF), est. under the USAID funded STI/HIV Prevention Project (UN agencies & national and international CSOs) |
N/A |
Kyrgyzstan | UN Thematic Group on HIV/AIDS (1996) | 2001 | Multisectoral Country Coordination Committee on Socially Significant Diseases & Especially Dangerous Diseases (2007) | -HIV/AIDS service CSOs Steering Group -Intersectoral Steering Group on Health Protection & Social Care in Penal Enforcement System - UN HIV/AIDS Theme Group |
-Regional & municipal level HIV/AIDS coordination committees -Regional, municipal, district health coordination committees -CSO Working Group on Prevention of HIV/AIDS epidemic (Osh) |
Mozambique | National STI/HIV/AIDS Control Programme within the Ministry of Health | 2002 | National AIDS Council (NAC) (2000) | -HIV/AIDS Partners Forum (link between NAC secretariat & donors) -Network of International CSOs working on Health & HIV/AIDS (NAIMA) MONASO: Network of national CSOs working on HIV/AIDS RENSIDA: National Network of PLWHA Associations CCM for Global Fund which meets mainly for project proposal review Health SWap: Sectoral Coordination Committee ('comite de coordenacao sectorial' (CCS), Joint Coordinating Committee ('sectoral co-ordination committee') (CCC), HIV/AIDS WGs/Taskforces |
-Pre-partners forum (for HIV/AIDS) -Health Partners Group (for Health Sector) |
Peru | Technical Commission for Notification & Registry | 2002 | Country Coordination Mechanism: National Multisectoral Coordination Commission on Health (2000) | Multisectoral National Coordination Committee on Health (Global Fund projects) | Multisectoral Regional Coordination Committees on Health |
Ukraine | Governmental Commission on managing development and implementation of AIDS related countermeasures in Ukrainian SSR (1991) | 2002 | -Coordination Council on HIV/AIDS, TB & Drug Addiction (2007) | -UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS -UN Joint Technical Team -National Council for HIV/AIDS & TB (2007) -Committee on HIV/AIDS & other Socially Dangerous Diseases (MoH) -Steering Group for World Bank Loan |
-Regional & municipal level AIDS Coordination Councils -CSO Forum (Odesa) -Coordinating Groups of Sites (CGS) -District Councils on HIV/AIDS |
Zambia | National HIV/AIDS Council (NAC) (created 2000; made legal by Parliament 2002) | 2002 | National HIV/AIDS Council (NAC) (created 2000; made legal by Parliament 2002) | - Cabinet Committee on HIV/AIDS -Thematic/Technical Working Groups - CCM - SWAp - ZANARA - CSO Networks: Zambia National AIDS Network (ZNAN); Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) |
-District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs) & District AIDS Coordination Advisors (DACAs) -Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs) & Provincial AIDS Coordination Advisors (PACA) -Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) - District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) -District Health Management Team (DHMT) -Community AIDS Task Forces (CATF) |
* Year structure was established