CpG does not promote Th17 differentiation from alloreactive Tregs in vivo. A total of 1 × 105 CD4+GFP+Thy1.2+ T cells sorted from ABM-Foxp3-GFP mice was cotransferred with 9 × 105 CD4+CD25−Thy1.1+ ABM T cells i.v. into Rag−/− mice transplanted with bm12 skin allografts. Animals received either no additional treatment (untreated); treatment with anti-CD154 and rapamycin; or anti-CD154, rapamycin, and CpG, as previously described. Fourteen days after transplantation, animals were sacrificed, and lymphocytes from the graft’s draining lymph nodes were restimulated in vitro in the presence of PMA and ionomycin and stained for IL-17 protein. Top row, CD4+IL-17+ cells in the draining lymph nodes of untreated animals. Bottom left, Thy1.2 expression on gated CD4+IL-17+ cells in untreated animals. Bottom right, Number of CD4+IL-17+ T cells from draining lymph nodes of untreated animals derived from Thy1.1 or Thy1.2 T cell donors.