POD-GFP or GFP protein was injected into the intravitreal space of adult mice and eyes harvested after 6 hours. POD-GFP was detected (a) in the ganglion cells and a subset of cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) (arrowhead) and dendrites in the inner retina (arrow). Significant GFP-associated fluorescence could not be detected above background auto fluorescence associated with uninjected or GFP-injected eyes (b). Total GFP intensity associated with each experiment is quantified in (c). Apparent GFP-signal in uninjected eyes is auto fluorescence of the outer segments (OS), which was not typically observed in GFP-injected eyes. Significant binding of POD-GFP to the lens capsule was noted (d). ONL, Outer nuclear Layer; INL, Inner Nuclear Layer; GCL, Ganglion Cell Layer; RPE, Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Uninjected, n = 3, GFP and POD-GFP, n = 4. Color version of this figure appears online.