Fig. 2.
Synthetic Scr peptides interact with Pax transcription factors in vivo (A–D). Eye-reduction phenotypes exhibited by ectopic expression of Scr-HDwt (A, B, and D) and Scr-HDAA (C). According to the strength of expression, different lines exhibited phenotypes ranging from eye-reduction (A–C) to eye-absence (D). (E) Ectopic expression of Scr-HDDD resulted in no detectable phenotype. (F) Wild type head. (G–I) Ectopic expression of Scr-HDwt in the eye-disc (G) does not repress ey (H). Dashed lines show the domain of colocalization of Scr-HDwt and Ey (I). The dppblink-Gal4 driver has been used throughout.