Primary human hepatocytes in MPCCs form polarized cell layers, express HCV entry factors, and support HCV glycoprotein-mediated entry. Bright field images of primary hepatocytes in MPCCs (A) and in monocultures (B). Wide-field fluorescence images of fixed MPCCs stained for the canilicular marker MRP2 (C), and the basolateral marker CD26 (D). Nuclear (blue) and antigen-specific staining (green) for CD81 (E), SCARB1 (near edge of hepatocyte island) (F), CLDN1 (red) (G), OCLN (H) in MPCCs. (I) Merged image of primary hepatocytes stained for MRP2 (green), ZO1 (red), and nuclei (blue). (J) 3D rendering of boxed area in I. (K) Infection of MPCCs with retroviral pseudoparticles bearing HCV glycoproteins (HCVpp), vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVGpp), or no glycoproteins (Env-pp) and containing an EGFP reporter gene. Representative images are shown for all experiments. (L) Anti-CD81 antibody blocks entry of HCVpp (dark bars), but not VSVGpp (white bars). Concentrations of antibody (μg/mL) are noted. Mean and SD are shown. Scale bars: 100 μm (a, b, k), 50 μm (c, d), 20 μm (e-i).