Left panel, Hepatic steatosis in WT but not in hl−/− female mice (n = 3 per group) on HF diet. Liquid nitrogen-fixed liver tissues were embedded in OCT compound, and 10-μm sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Note the large vacuoles representing fat in the WT but not in the hl−/− liver tissue. CV, central vein. Size bar represents 100 μm. Right panel, Liver TAG content in WT and hl−/− female mice on chow and HF diets. Liver tissue was weighed and dissolved with 3 m potassium hydroxide in 65% ethanol. Liberated glycerol (to estimate TAG) was measured in quadruplicate with the Triglyceride GPO-PAP kit. (chow: WT, n = 6, hl−/−, n = 4; HF: WT, n = 5, hl−/−, n = 4). Two-way ANOVA demonstrates major contributions of both genotype and diet (both *, P < 0.003) to the liver TAG phenotype.