Figure 7.
Effect of mARD1A225 on neovascularization. A) Western blot analysis of HIF-1α and mARD1A225 protein expression in transplanted B16F10 (left) and MNK74 (right) tumor cells. B) Western blot analysis of VEGFA protein expression in transplanted B16F10 (left) and MNK74 (right) tumor cells. C) BALB/cSlc-nude mice were injected subcutaneously with MKN74, MKN74-mock, or two MKN74-mARD1A225 clones, A#3 and A#4. After 3 weeks, formalin-fixed primary tumor sections from each mouse were prepared and stained with an anti-VEGFA antibody. The brown color signifies VEGFA in primary tumors. Magnification ×400. Scale bar = 50 μm. A#3 = MKN74-mARD1A225 #3; A#4 = MKN74-mARD1A225 #4. One representative image of five per cell line is shown. D) Anti-CD34 staining of xenograft tumors derived from MKN74, MKN74-mock, and MKN74-mARD1A225 cells, indicative of endothelial cells (left). Numbers of CD34-positive vessels in primary tumors (right) expressed as means and 95% confidence intervals (error bars). Vessels from four or five fields from each of the five tumors per group were scored for quantification. *P = .043, **P = .021, compared with the number of CD34-positive vessels in tumors derived from MKN74-mock cells, as determined with the two-sided Mann–Whitney U test. Magnification ×200. Scale bar = 100 μm.