Figure 2.
Standardized parameter estimates in the final model of sexual transmission risk behavior in HIV-infected MSM by major depression screening status (negative/positive).
Oval represents the condom use self-efficacy latent factor. Small rectangles SE1–SE4 represent observed indicators of the latent factor. Path values represent standardized coefficients for participants who [did not meet/met] screening criteria for major depression.
To maintain presentation clarity, residual terms are not shown.
ŧp<.10; *p<.05; **p<.01; ^fixed to 1 to set metric for latent variable
Model fit statistics: χ 2(36)=30.55, p=.73; CFI=1.00; RMSEA<.01; SRMR=.05.
R2 for the latent factor was 23.5% in both groups. R2 for proportion of sexual transmission risk behavior was 20.3% in the depression-negative group and 7.5% in the depression-positive group.