Table 6.
Comparative characteristics of clinical presentations of white dot syndrome[52]
APMPPE | Birdshot | PIC | MEWDS | MFC | GHPC | POHS | |
Age | Young (20–40) Rarely-children | Middle-aged (40–60) | Middle aged (myopes) | Young (20–40) myopes | Myopic (20–60) | Variable (30–60) | Middle aged |
Sex | M=F | F>M | F>M | F>M | F>M | M>F | M=F |
Laterality | Bilateral, asymmetric | Bilateral | Bilateral | Unilateral | Bilateral; asymmetric | Bilateral; asymmetric | Bilateral |
Viral illness | + | - | + | + | +/- | - | +/- |
Onset | Abrupt | Insidious | Abrupt | Abrupt | Insidious | Variable | Abrupt |
Duration | Weeks–months | Chronic | Weeks–months | Weeks–months | Chronic | Chronic | Chronic |
Recurrence | Rare | Recurrent | Recurrent | Rare | Recurrent | Recurrent | Rare |
Vitritis | Mild | Moderate with disc edema, CME | Absent | Mild | Moderate and anterior uveitis | Mild | Absent/mild |
ERG/EOG | Abnormal EOG | Abnormal ERG | Abnormal | Abnormal ERG | Abnormal ERG | Normal | Abnormal |
HLA | B7, DR2 | A29 | - | - | - | B7 | HLA-DR2 HLA-B7 |
Fundus - active | Multifocal, flat gray-white placoid lesions primarily-posterior pole at the level of RPE and chorio capillaries | Multiple depigmented yellow-white patches scattered throughout fundus in the postequatorial region. These lesions radiate from optic nerve and follow larger choroidal vessels | Multiple, discrete, flat, yellow, round lesion (50–300 microns) at the level of RPE and inner choroid. Concentrated at posterior pole | Multiple small (100–200 μ), round, slightly indistinct, white/yellow-white spots distributed over posterior fundus, especially at perifoveal and peripapillary regions at the level of RPE | Multiple yellow or gray lesions at the level of choroid and RPE. Mid periphery (50–100 μ) | Macular, peripapillary or ampigenous -irregular, gray-white or cream-yellow subretinal infiltrates at the level of the choriocapillaries and RPE -snake-like pattern | Peripapillary atrophy, atrophic chorioretinal lesions, CNV, punched out yellow lesions Linear streak-smidperiphery |
Fundus- healed | RPE clumping and hyperpigmentation | Lesions have a hyperpigmented edge but are frequently hypopigmented in the center | Heals rarely by scarring | Punched-out atrophic scars that develop pigmentation over time | Heals from center towards periphery | Scars | |
Pathogenesis | DTH | Auto immune | - | ?Hormonal | - | Idiopathic/ ?infective | - |
Wks–Weeks, DTH–Delayed type of hypersensitivity