Representative 13C-NMR spectra of water-soluble metabolites from control and immunosuppressant-treated C6 glioma cells. The cells were incubated with 5mM [1-13C]glucose for 3 hours. Treatment with immunosuppressants occurred at the same time (500 µg/L CsA, 100 µg/L SRL or 100 µg/L RAD alone or in combination with CsA for 3 hours and addition of 1 mM H2O2 for 30 minutes). Changes in metabolites are marked by arrows. Abbreviations: Ala: alanine, Asp: aspartate, Gln: glutamine, Glc: glucose, Glu: glutamate, Lac: lactate, myo-Ins: myo-inositol (natural abundance).