Fig. 1.
Mitochondrial distribution in tubules from wild-type and sesB mutants. For orientation, arrows indicate apical mitochondria (yellow), basolateral mitochondria (white), principal cell nuclei (blue), and the tubule lumen (red) in A. A: immunocytochemistry using anti-sesB rabbit polyclonal antibody and anti-rabbit IgG-FITC conjugate reveal mitochondrial sesB protein localization in the main, fluid-transporting segment of the Malpighian tubule. B–F: expression of mitochondrial GFP reporter targeted to principal cells in adult tubules using the c42-GAL4 driver. B: control (c42mtGFP); C: SesB knockdown (c42mtGFP > sesB RNAi); D: SesB1 mutants (c42mtGFP > sesB1). In A–D, tubule diameter is taken as 30 μm. E–G: enlargement of basolateral plane, showing rod-like and branching normal mitochondria from c42mtGFP (E), compared with small globular mitochondria from c42mtGFP > sesB RNAi (F), and c42mtGFP > sesB1 tubules (G). In E–G, scale bar represents 1 μm.