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. 2010 Mar;23(10):922–937. doi: 10.1177/0269215509337447

Appendix 1a.

Domains of the Northwick Park Therapy Dependency Assessment (NPTDA)

Domain Items Lead discipline Scores Totals
A: Physical handing programme 1) Medical management Doctor 0–4
2a) Splinting orthotics (upper limb) O/T 0–4
2b) Splinting orthotics (lower limb) Physio 0–4
3) Seating/wheelchair O/T 0–4
4) Physical therapy–active/passive handling Physio 0–4 0–20
B: Basic functions 5) Tracheostomy management SLT 0–4
6) Swallowing SLT 0–4
7) Nutrition Dietitian 0–4
8) Supported communication SLT 0–4
9) Speech and language interventions SLT 0–4 0–20
C: Activities of daily living 10) Personal/self-care O/T 0–4
11) Domestic/community-based activities O/T 0–4
12) Vocational/leisure/computers/driving O/T 0–4 0–12
D: Cognitive/psychosocial/ family support 13) Cognitive interventions Psychology 0–4
14) Behavioural management Psychology 0–4
15) Emotional/mood Psychology 0–4
16) Formal family support Psychology 0–4
17) Emotional load on staff Psychology 0–4 0–20
E: Preparing for discharge 18) Planning discharge/housing/care package SW 0–4
19) Benefits and finances SW 0–4
20) Equipment/adaptations for home O/T 0–4
21) Community/home visits O/T 0–4
22) Key-working 0–4 0–20
F: Indirect interventions +  additional activities 23) Multidisciplinary meetings State 0–2
24) Reports State 0–2
25) Groups/extra therapies State 0–2
26) (Accompanied) clinic attendance State 0–2 0–8
G: Special input 27) Special facilities (Select from lists) Text
28) Special equipment hire (Select from lists) Text
29) Investigations (Select from lists) Text
30) Procedures (Select from lists) Text
Total 0–100

O/T, occupational therapist; SLT, speech and language therapist; SW, social worker.