Primary flexion lines of the locust forewing and hindwing, shown mid-downstroke. The black spots on the hindwing are artificially marked points, whose position we reconstruct using photogrammetry. The hindwing is treated as having two distinct functional parts: the stiff anterior remigium, which lies anterior to the claval furrow (dashed line), and the posterior region, called the vannal fan, or vannus. The forewing is treated as comprising three functional parts: the anterior and posterior panels of the remigium, separated by the median flexion line, and the clavus which lies posterior to the claval furrow. c., clavus; c.f., claval furrow; a.p.r., anterior panel of the remigium; p.p.r., posterior panel of the remigium; r., remigium; m.f.l., median flexion line; v., vannus. Anatomical nomenclature after Wootton (1979).