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. 2010 Mar 5;10:46. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-10-46

Table 3.

Factors included in the analysis, indicating those significantly associated (excluding other highly correlated variables) with apparent prevalence of brucellosis at the Peninsular (GLZ, P < 0.1, N > 2416) and the regional (GLZ, P < 0.1, N > 460) scales.

Peninsular scale
Factor Estimate N P

Significantly associated with prevalence (selected for the model):
 Age class (1-4) 2416 < .0001
 Month (1-12) 4394 < .0001
 Annual rainfall -0.00013 4079 0.0011
 Cultivated lands 0.000629 4079 0.0091
 Non-irrigated cultures 0.000908 4079 0.0181
 Iberian hare habitat suitability 0.000011 4019 0.0287
 Road 0.07015 4079 0.0386
 Woodlands (-0.000644) 4079 0.0529
 Irrigated cultures 0.001514 4079 0.0709
 Urban 0.00572 4079 0.0745
Not associated with prevalence (not selected):
Sex (1-2), wild boar management, European brown hare habitat suitability, irrigated fruit orchards, pastures, annual radiation, slope range, mean slope, maximum slope, mean altitude, min. altitude, max. altitude, altitude range, annual temperature [69], annual temp. (min), annual temp. (max)

Regional scale

Factor Estimate: N p

 Age class 0.0001
 Month (1-12) 505 0.0263
 Iberian hare abundance (pellet FBII) -177.415 460 0.0457
 Mean open-air farm size (number of pigs) 0.000213 500 0.0532
 Number of pigs on open-air farms 0.000209 500 0.0625
 Number of pigs on open-air farms per square Km 0.1253 500 0.0949
Not selected:
Sex, Iberian hare habitat suitability, wild rabbit abundance (pellet FBII), wild boar km abundance, wild boar spatial aggregation index (Z), wild boar abundance (dropping FBII), red deer FBII, red deer density (distance estimates), wild boar FBII by feeding site and ha, wild boar FBII by watering site and ha, annual temperature [69], mean slope, annual rainfall, annual radiation, mean altitude, sampling estate surface (Ha), type of population (open, fenced, farm), fencing, % boundary fenced, riparian habitats, irrigated cultures, non-irrigated cultures, cultivated lands, woodlands, irrigated fruit orchards, urban, tree diversity, grass cover, scrubland cover, pine woodlands, pastures, dehesa (savannah-like open oak woodlands), number of Quercus trees/5 m, total woodlands, tree cover, soil cover, total wood+scrublands, Quercus spp. >4 m/5 m, cultures (%), scrublands (%), number of waterholes, waterholes per Ha, wild boar supplemental feeding, wild boar feeding sites, wild boar feeders per Ha, deer feeding sites, goats per Ha, cattle per Ha, sheep per Ha, number of pig farms in municipality, pig farms per Km2, total pigs in municipality, total number of pigs in municipality per Km2, mean farm size (number of pigs), number of pigs on closed farms per Km2, closed pig farms in municipality, closed pig farms per Km2, mean closed farm size, pigs on closed farms, open-air pig farms in municipality, open-air pig farms per Km2.

Sampling season and sampling site were included as random factors.