Figure 2. NIR Fluorescence Imaging of Normal Rat Pancreas Using Intravenously Injected MB.
A. Representative images (n = 3 animals) of the abdominal cavity of rat pre-injection (top row) and 15 min post-injection (bottom row) of 1.5 mg/kg MB given as an IV bolus. Shown are color video (left), 700 nm NIR fluorescence (middle), and a pseudo-color (lime green) merge of the two (right). Arrows = pancreas. Arrowheads = food particles in lumen of small bowel. NIR fluorescence images were acquired with a 150 msec camera exposure time and displayed with identical normalizations. Du = duodenum; Je = jejunum; Li = liver; Pa-H = head of pancreas; Pa-T = tail of pancreas; Re = rectum; Sp = spleen.
B. Signal-to-background ratio (SBR; mean ± SEM) over time in normal rat pancreas after IV bolus injection of MB at the doses shown and a 150 msec camera exposure time. N = 3 rats per group.