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. 2009 Nov 5;78(5):1311–1325. doi: 10.1002/prot.22651

Table II.

Rosetta Energy Constituents of “Real2” and “Decoys2”

Rosetta energy term Physical meaning μreal2 μdecoys2 Δreal2-decoys2 p-value
fa_atr Lennard-Jones attractive −285.29 −283.05 −2.24 2.96E-04
fa_rep Lennard-Jones repulsive 27.01 25.76 1.24 <2.20E-16
fa_sol solvation energy 126.78 124.80 1.98 1.28E-06
fa_intra_rep Intraresidue LJ repulsive 0.70 0.75 −0.04 <2.20E-16
pro_close Proline ring closure 0.05 0.02 0.02 <2.20E-16
fa_pair Statistical pair energy −10.27 −9.86 −0.41 2.88E-03
hbond_sr_bb Backbone-backbone hbonds close in primary sequence −15.27 −15.26 −0.01 0.94
hbond_lr_bb Backbone-backbone hbonds distant in primary sequence −27.09 −28.05 0.96 6.15E-03
hbond_bb_sc Side chain-backbone hydrogen bond energy −7.88 −5.49 −2.39 <2.20E-16
hbond_sc Side chain-side chain hydrogen bond energy −7.52 −7.60 0.08 0.54
Rama Ramachandran energy −7.50 −6.09 −1.41 <2.20E-16
Omega Omega dihedral energy 4.80 5.79 −0.99 <2.20E-16
fa_dun Internal energy of sidechain rotamers 38.03 39.37 −1.33 3.97E-12
p_aa_pp Amino acid Phi-Psi statistical energy −10.24 −9.11 −1.13 <2.20E-16
ref Amino acid reference energy −14.59 −12.77 −1.81 1.65E-14
Total Sum of all terms −188.29 −180.80 −7.49 <2.20E-16

For the energy constituents of “real,” “decoys,” and “random,” see Supporting Information Table S1.