Fig. 2.
NKp65 is an NKC-encoded CTLR distantly related to NKp80. (A) NKp65 is encoded in the NKC by KLRF2 flanked by CLEC2A and CLEC2B. Schematic representation of a subregion of the human NKC. Boxes and arrows represent CLEC2 (dark gray) and NKRP1 genes (light gray) and transcriptional orientation, respectively. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of CTLD of NKRP1 and CLEC2 receptors of man and mouse. NKG2D, CLEC7A, and Ly49D are included for comparison. The phylogenetic tree was generated using the PHYLIP program. (C) Sequences of human NKRP1 receptors NKp80, NKR-P1A, and NKp65. Tyrosine-based motifs in the cytoplasmic domain are boxed and predicted transmembrane domains are shaded. Conserved cysteines of the CTLD are underlined. (D) NKp65 is a cell surface CTLR. Myc- or FLAG-tagged NKp65 was transfected into COS-7 and surface expression detected by tag-specific mAb. (E) NKp65 is a glycoprotein. Immunoblot analysis of lysates from transfected COS-7 with an anti–histidine-tag mAb. (F) Sizing of rNKp65 by gel filtration compared with BSA (66 kDa), rNKp80 (approximately 60 kDa), and chymotrypsinogen (25 kDa).