Fig. 1.
Requirement of rhodopsin and elements of the classical phototransduction cascade for light-dependent movement of Arr2. Localization of Arr2 in tangential sections of adult compound eyes. Flies were dark-adapted for ≥10 h and kept in the dark or exposed to white light for 5 min, 1 h, or ≥12 h (constant light). (A, B, and D–J) Confocal images of representative ommatidia stained with anti-Arr2 antibodies. The seven oval structures near the middle of the ommatidia are rhabdomeres (r), whereas the cell bodies (b) are located near the periphery of the ommatidia (indicated in A). (C and K) Quantification of Arr2 immunoreactivity in the rhabdomeres (C) from A, B, D, and E, and K from F–J. n = 11–12 ommatidia each. Error bars represent the SEM. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (Student's two-tailed, unpaired t test; *P < 0.01, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.0005).