(A) Increased Cdk2 activity in lung tumours from wild type mice versus normal lung using histone H1 as a substrate. Western blot of whole cell lysates shows Cdk2 protein levels unchanged and an increase in cyclin D1 in lung tumours compared to normal lung. (B) Western blot of total p27, phospho- T187 p27, Jab1, KPC, and Skp2 in tumours and normal lung, with lamin B1 and β-tubulin as nuclear and cytoplasmic fractionation controls. Note increase in p-T187 p27 in cytoplasmic fractions compared to normal lung. n: nuclear extracts, c: cytoplasmic fractions. (C) Western blot of p-T198 p27, p-S10 p27, and 14-3-3-θ. Note increased p-T198 p27 in cytoplasmic tumour fractions.