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. 2009 Jul 7;35(3):275–283. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsp057

Table III.

Multilevel Predictors of Academic Achievement

Model 0 Model A Model B Model C
Intercept, β [95% CI] 97.1 [94.7, 99.3]*** 99.4 [96.8, 101.8]*** 104.9 [97.9, 111.9]*** 100.1 [92.3, 107.8]***
Fixed effects
Individual characteristics
    Birth weight statusa −7.6 [−10.5, −4.7]*** −6.4 [−9.3, −3.5]*** −5.9 [−8.5, −3.3]*** −6.4 [−8.9, −3.8]***
    Male sex −5.0 [−8.1, −1.9]** −4.6 [−7.4, −1.9]** −4.3 [−7.0, −1.6]**
    ADHD symptomsb −9.7 [−14.3, −4.9]*** −7.2 [−11.6, −2.9]** −6.9 [−11.2, −2.7]**
Family characteristicsc
    Educationd −8.3 [−11.1, −5.5]*** −7.6 [−10.5, −4.8]***
    Black racee −3.9 [−7.2, −0.7]* −2.2 [−5.7, 1.2]
    Unmarried −2.1 [−5.1, 0.9] −1.0 [−4.0, 2.0]
    Parental protection −0.4 [−0.6, −0.1]** −0.3 [−0.6, −0.1]**
    Neighborhood perception −0.01 [−0.1, 0.1] 0.04 [−0.1, 0.1]
Neighborhood characteristics
    Poverty ratef −0.2 [−0.3, −0.05]**
    High school dropoutsf −0.1 [−0.2, 0.2]
Random effects
    Between-tract variability 58.4 [33.6, 125.3]*** 53.9 [31.3, 114.0]*** 30.1 [15.3, 84.3]** 30.5 [15.7, 82.0]**
    Within-tract variability 163.5 [132.6, 206.7]*** 151.3 [122.9, 190.8]*** 127.2 [103.9, 159.3]*** 123.5 [100.9, 154.7]***
Variance explainedg
    Between-tract variability 0 7.7% 48.5% 47.8%
    Within-tract variability 0 7.5% 22.2% 24.5%
AIC 2952.9 2904.6 2810.2 2806.1
Model comparisong 48.3 142.7 146.8

Note. CI, confidence interval.

aELBW versus NBW.

bRefers to parent ratings of ADHD symptoms—inattentive, hyperactive–impulsive, and combined types (Gadow & Sprafkin, 1997).

cUnless otherwise stated, refers to the primary caregiver, which was the biologic or adoptive mother for 164 children [90%] in the extremely low birth weight group and 157 children [89%] in the normal birth weight group.

dPrimary caregiver education of high school or less.

eWhite race includes two Asian ELBW and two Asian NBW children.

fAccording to 2000 US Census.

gRelative to Model 0.

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.