Coalition Membership |
The core group for a new coalition-based project is shaped by past and current network linkages in the community. |
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Composition of the core group can be influential in shaping coalition membership through members' connections and reputation in the community. |
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Divisions based on community politics and history can limit who joins community coalitions. |
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Tragic events can motivate participation in coalitions and collaborative efforts. |
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Shared values motivate organizations and individuals to join a coalition. |
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Values of independence, rugged individualism and privacy can limit community members' willingness to join a coalition. |
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Economic conditions that necessitate multiple jobs for certain population groups within the community limit participation from those groups. |
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Coalitions serving diverse communities with multiple cultures, languages and SES levels can struggle to achieve broad representation. |
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Recruitment from diverse community sectors may not be possible in rural communities in which certain sectors do not exist. |
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Geographic areas with limited opportunities for youth may experience fewer barriers to engaging youth in governance groups. |
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Geographic barriers can limit coalition membership. |
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