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. 2010 Mar 22;5(3):e9790. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009790

Table 1. Talaraich (TAL) and Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates in mm for the defined ROI centers averaged over the seven subjects for central presentation.

ROI TAL MNI Brain structure Other studies
LV1/2D -10 -90 4 -6 -101 15 left calcarine gyrus 60% area 17 71% area 18
LV1/2V -9 -90 -10 -5 -99 -3 left calcarine gyrus 59% area 17 51% area 18
RV1/2D 11 -88 7 13 -98 15 right calcarine gyrus 82% area 17 66% area 18
RV1/2V 10 -88 -7 11 -94 -1 right calcarine gyrus 76% area 17 50% area 18
LFG -31 -56 -9 -33 -67 -8 left fusiform gyrus TAL: -35 -63 -10 [49]
RFG 29 -56 -8 30 -67 -7 right fusiform gyrus TAL: 40 -55 -10 [49]
LAMY -21 -4 -24 -22 -9 -25 left amygdala 78% laterobasal complex TAL: -20 -10 -28 [50]
RAMY 21 -2 -22 25 -5 -22 right amygdala 67% laterobasal complex TAL: 20 -10 -30 [50]
LOFA -32 -82 -1 -33 -95 6 left middle occipital gyrus TAL: -30 -77 0 [47]
ROFA 32 -80 0 36 -94 4 right middle occipital gyrus TAL: 31 -75 0 [47]
LSTS -51 -56 14 -55 -65 22 left superior temporal sulcus TAL: -55 -60 10 [52]
RSTS 50 -53 17 54 -65 22 right superior temporal sulcus TAL: 52 -48 8 [52]
MPFC -1 19 -13 -1 17 -14 medial prefrontal cortex MNI: 0 15 -14 [51]

For quadrant presentations, only the definition for the V1/V2 ROI differed from that for central presentation, as listed in brackets. The corresponding brain structures for the ROIs are also listed in the rightmost column with the probability in different sections of early visual and amygdala areas, as obtained from the “SPM anatomy toolbox” [53].