Left column (A–D), temporal facilitation (response ratio = 304%). (A) Oscillogram and sonagram of composite no. 10 (dRFM-cDFM), the best composite for unit no. 1 (FM1–FM2, BD = 6 ms). (B) PSTH (bin width = 1 ms) shows unit’s strong response to the original composite (dRFM-cDFM). (C) PSTH shows unit’s weak response to the first syllable (dRFM). (D) PSTH shows unit’s weak response to the second syllable (cDFM). Right column (E–H), temporal suppression (response ratio = 44%). (E) Oscillogram and sonagram of composite no. 9 (sHFM-fSFM), the best composite for unit no. 25 (FM1–FM2, BD = 5.3 ms). (F) PSTH shows unit’s response to original composite (sHFM-fSFM). (G) PSTH shows unit’s response to the first syllable (sHFM). (H) PSTH shows unit’s strongest response was to the second syllable (fSFM).