Figure 1.
Phylogenetic relationship between Microtermes and other fungus-growing termites, including GenBank specimens when available (accession code given on tree). The phylogenies correspond to the majority-rule consensus tree of fungus-growing termites of trees sampled in a Bayesian analysis. The numbers above the branches refer to the Bayesian posterior probability of the nodes (more than 50%) and were derived from 19 500 Markov chain Monte Carlo-sampled trees. Other Termitidae species were used to root the tree. (a) Phylogeny based on COI; on the right side of this panel, the relationships within the genus Microtermes are enlarged. (b) Phylogeny based on ITS2 region. Scale bars, 0.05. The two nodes used as calibration points for the dating are indicated with a white dot (see text for details).