Figure 2.
Depiction of the coverage obtained from a peptic digest of IIa (2AID) relative to Y60A and W60D, which are green. Left: Looking onto the active site of IIa. Right: The structure rotated 180° about the y-axis. Peptides from the peptic digest are colored as follows: the ABE-II regions 85–99 (red) and 173–181 (yellow), the ABE-I peptide 65–84 (blue), the autolysis loop containing peptide 135–149D (orange), 106–116 (green), the A-chain peptide −13 to −4 (cyan), 202–207 (pink), and 46–52 (purple). The additional ABE-II region not observed in the present HDX study, 233–240, is in brown.